Hana Cha: Building Resilient and Sustainable Real Estate Teams | The Real View Podcast
In this episode of “The Real View,” special guest Hana Cha, a real estate development advisor and Founder of HANA. breaks down how to build sustainable teams for long-term success and how to diversify new business opportunities with the ace team. Hana talks about her background and career trajectory and what a development advisor does, to her approach to hiring and what the characteristics of a productive and thriving team include.
Listen to the full episode as we discuss the current trends we’re seeing with Agent Teams today, the common mistakes agents make when creating scalable teams, and how we can all contribute to creating a healthy working environment. From being a part of over $4 billion in development projects across the U.S. to now advising developers with the do’s and don’ts, Hana discusses how Realtors can tap into this niche.
Listen to the full Episode Here
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