Collective Marketplace

Research Partner


INTRODUCINGThe Kennelly Group

A Trusted Partner
  • Category

  • Research
  • Services
    • Economic Analysis
    • Site Assessment
    • Local & Regional Trends
    • Comparable Development Selection & Analysis
    • Pricing Recommendations
 & Sales Strategy
    • Custom Research and Professional Services
  • Vendor since
  • 2023

Erin Kennelly

Managing Partner

Erin Kennelly brings more than 17 years of experience in the development industry and has provided guidance to hundreds of developments in dozens of cities. He specializes in using innovative techniques to solve complex problems involving residential real estate pricing, marketing, and sales.

As an industry leader, he has developed proprietary indices to track pricing trends in various cities, as well as designed and maintained large databases of residential sales and new development data. Erin began his career in the Pacific Northwest where he worked at The Portland Development Commission and earned a Master of Urban Planning from The University of Washington. Before joining GDP, he founded The Kennelly Group, spent twelve years leading all research efforts for The Mark Company, and four years heading research for The Agency.



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1 / Economic Analysis

2 / Site Assessment

3 / Local & Regional Trends

4 / Comparable Development Selection & Analysis

5 / Pricing Recommendations
 & Sales Strategy

6 / Custom Research and Professional Services

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